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25.08.2020 BIM

Fewer Errors with BIM

Plandata Managing Director Lars Oberwinter speaks on the Heinze ArchitekTOUR.

The "ArchitekTOUR," which is organized by the German information platform Heinze, traditionally brings together high caliber speakers from the architectural and construction sectors – this year "on screen." For this reason, the presentation by Lars Oberwinter, Managing Director of the ATP subsidiary Plandata, on "BIM Quality Management 2.0" seemed even more appropriate. The BIM expert spoke to his almost 300 online listeners about "How errors (in BIM models) can really make us wiser."

17.07.2020 Integrated Design, Lifecycle

Real Estate Brains

ATP CEO Christoph M. Achammer in the online forum on the subject of “How will we build in the future?”

Real Estate Brains – this is the name of the online format of Swiss Circle, SwissPopTech, and Builtworld. Every two weeks, the forum brings together the “sector’s brightest brains” in the virtual realm. And this has been very well received: The 10th edition, which addressed the subject “Innovation on the building site – how will we build in the future?

29.06.2020 Integrated Design, BIM

The Crisis as an Opportunity for ABW

Architect and Head of Design Paul Ohnmacht on the consequences of Covid-19 for the working environment.

The fact that the corona crisis will lead to long-term changes in working environments is quite clear to Paul Ohnmacht. However, for the architect and Head of Design at ATP Innsbruck the question of what these changes will look like is fascinating and is closely related to the concept of Activity Based Working (ABW).

29.06.2020 Integrated Design, BIM

Quo vadis, Building Industry?

ATP CEO Christoph M. Achammer and Lars Oberwinter, Managing Director of Plandata, on the digitalization of the construction sector.

Due to the Covid-19 measures, this year’s Building Life Congress had to take place online - which was actually very appropriate for an event on the subject of digital construction, design, and operation! All speakers delivered their lectures online between 13th and 20th May. ATP CEO Christoph M. Achammer addressed the subject of the digitalization of the building industry and Lars Oberwinter, Managing Director of Plandata, offered some interesting insights into the potential of BIM as an instrument of quality assurance.

08.05.2020 Lifecycle

An Opportunity for Climate Protection

ATP sustain shows how the economic restart could succeed in the interests of sustainability

40 % of Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions can be traced back to buildings. There is huge room for improvement in this area. The fact that an ecological approach and local purchasing decisions also make economic sense for building projects was known long before building materials became stuck overseas waiting for delivery due to corona.

