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Top Ranked!

ATP is once again market leader in Western Europe and a top player on the international architecture scene

ATP CEO Christoph M. Achammer
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With its annual ranking of the world’s largest architectural offices, “Building Design’s annual survey of the top global practices” is one of the sector’s most respected publications.

By occupying 16th place on Building Design’s “Big List” of the 100 Biggest Players in the Architecture Scene, ATP is not only a global leader but also Europe’s second largest design office. In terms of contract volume, ATP was able to successfully defend last year’s 1st place in Western Europe.

ATP CEO Christoph M. Achammer sees the good ranking as confirmation of the role of integrated design as the only logical form of future-friendly building planning. “Only through close, interdisciplinary cooperation will we be able to achieve the EU’s zero-emission targets and make the world a better place with our buildings. In order to do justice to the responsibility of the building sector to future generations we have committed ourselves to climate-neutral and sustainable designing and building in the shape of our own ATP Green Deal.”

atp achammer c rauschmeir (.jpg )

ATP CEO Christoph M. Achammer

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