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04.04.2023 ATP Berlin, Сотрудники и карьера

5 Jahre ATP Berlin

Jubiläumsfeier in neuem Büro in Charlottenburg

Zur 5-Jahres-Feier lud ATP Berlin Kund:innen und Wegbegleiter:innen in die neuen Räumlichkeiten in der ehemaligen Lanolinfabrik in Charlottenburg. Das topmoderne Büro ist perfekt auf die integrale Zusammenarbeit des stetig wachsenden Teams ausgelegt.

10.11.2020 ATP Vienna, Сотрудники и карьера

Wohnen 4.0

ATP sponsors student competition at TU Wien

Making living affordable by combining digital processes and modular building methods as a way of reducing costs and time and saving resources: An interdisciplinary competition for students that was organized by the research area of Integrated Construction Planning and Industrial Building at TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology) as part of the FFG-supported research project “Wohnen 4.0 – Digitale Plattform für leistbares Wohnen” (Living 4.0 – Digital Platform for Affordable Living) inspired some innovative solutions.

12.10.2020 Сотрудники и карьера, BIM, Форарльберг

Dual study program with ATP: Smart Building Technologies

A building services course with excellent perspectives

The starter’s pistol has been fired for applications to Tyrol’s first dual study program. From autumn 2021, MCI Innsbruck’s bachelor course “Smart Building Technologies” will offer an integrative combination of study and work. Each of the six semesters is divided into a period of study and a practice block of several months in an innovative partner company such as ATP.

25.06.2019 BIM, Сотрудники и карьера, Форарльберг

Digitaler Durchblick

ATP-Experten stärken Universität Innsbruck mit praxisnahem BIM-Wissen

Rund 40 Studierende des Instituts für experimentelle Architektur Fachbereich Hochbau der Universität Innsbruck kamen im Sommersemester 2019 in einen besonderen Genuss: Im Rahmen des Seminars

