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Quo vadis, Building Industry?

ATP CEO Christoph M. Achammer and Lars Oberwinter, Managing Director of Plandata, on the digitalization of the construction sector.

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Due to the Covid-19 measures, this year’s Building Life Congress had to take place online - which was actually very appropriate for an event on the subject of digital construction, design, and operation! All speakers delivered their lectures online between 13th and 20th May. ATP CEO Christoph M. Achammer addressed the subject of the digitalization of the building industry and Lars Oberwinter, Managing Director of Plandata, offered some interesting insights into the potential of BIM as an instrument of quality assurance.

Taking responsibility …
In his online lecture, Christoph M. Achammer said that it had become clear to many in the building industry – at least since the imposition of quarantine – that the future of the sector is to be found in digitalization. Because digitalization also means lower costs. Whereas the consecutive working patterns of analog processes often waste huge potential due to the many interfaces and, hence, misunderstandings, digital processes with BIM combine all information and know-how. Knowledge is shared between disciplines and costs displayed more transparently. In the area of saving resources, Christoph M. Achammer sees the building sector as having a particular responsibility: It is, after all, the largest sector that is trusted to work with land, perhaps the most valuable and irreplaceable resource of all.

TRULY learning from our mistakes …
On the basis of this starting point, Lars Oberwinter sees Building Information Modeling as a transparent platform, which permits the holistic assessment of the value creation chain in the construction industry. The structured collection of data by BIM technology improves efficiency and safety in the sector: It also permits reliable quality management that enables conclusions to be drawn and, hence, guarantees the improved quality of buildings.

atp oberwinter pressroom (.jpg )

Plandata-GF Lars Oberwinter schätzt BIM als Qualitätssicherungsinstrument.

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