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Coming soon ...

Opening of Terminal 2 at Berlin-Brandenburg Airport

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Press Release  (2372 character)

Terminal 2 at BER Airport is already “ready for take-off” and can open together with the main terminal T1 at the end of October. The additional terminal was conceived and planned in record time by the planner team ATP/amd.sigma strategic airport development. Just 38 months elapsed between the “first design sketch” and the “operational handover”. This means that the turnkey delivery of T2 took place “in time”, despite the complicated process, the late emergence of additional customer requirements, and a tight timetable. This makes it the fastest-built terminal project in German history.

In order to realize a project of this scale in line with the quality requirements and the timetable, integrated design with Building Information Modeling (BIM) is simply indispensable”, said the architect Niklas Veelken, Managing Director of ATP Berlin, drawing attention to the successful cooperation of the experienced and widely-based planner team and the huge commitment of so many project participants. In its role as an integrated designer with responsibility for managing the planning process, ATP’s in-house experts delivered architectural and structural and building services design services.

T2 expands the capacity of BER by six million passengers a year and, at peak times, can process around 2,000 passengers per hour. In order to ensure that this capacity is available from the opening, the planner team conceived the building of just 23,000 m2 as a “fast track” project with an optimally simple building structure and façade. This approach paid huge attention to lean processes and high productivity in the execution.

In aesthetic terms, the fair-faced concrete and exposed ceilings are derived from an industrial building approach. The modern, metal-clad, and introverted building volume distinguishes itself very clearly from the strict, almost classical design of the adjacent BER buildings. The two-story terminal with three halls includes spaces for checking-in, handing in and collecting luggage, security controls, service facilities, shops, and restaurants. A bridge connects the new building with the waiting areas in the north wing of the main terminal.

atp t2 flughafen ber (.jpg )

T2 is designed to process six million passengers per year

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