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DGNB Certifications

13 Buildings certified by ATP sustain receive awards for sustainable building

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During the Expo Real 2021 real estate fair in Munich, which took place from 11th to 13th October, 13 buildings that were accompanied by ATP sustain on behalf of LaSalle Investment Management GmbH were awarded DGNB (German Sustainable Building Council) certification – nine in gold. The buildings were certified according to the latest version of DGNB for buildings in operation (GIB20).

Die Zertifikate wurden im Rahmen der Münchener Immobilienmesse Expo Real 2021, die von 11. bis 13. Oktober stattfand, verliehen. Die 13 Immobilien wurden nach der neuen Version der DGNB für Gebäude im Betrieb (GIB20) zertifiziert.

Certification by the DGNB
The DGNB is Europe’s largest network for sustainable building. The DGNB certification system allows the sustainability of buildings to be evaluated and described throughout their entire 50-year building lifecycle. Up to 40 sustainability criteria that are continuously being developed by independent expert committees are included in the evaluation, dependent upon the type of building. The DGNB awards Platinum, Gold, Silver, or Bronze certification in line with the extent to which these criteria are met.

ATP sustain
The research and specialist design company for sustainable building within the ATP Group offers advisory and certification services and innovative knowhow from research and practice. Comprehensive consulting during the early planning phases of a project enables outcomes to be sustainably improved. Besides overseeing DGNB certification, ATP advises and supports building owners on the path to receiving other building certifications: LEED, BREEAM, ÖGNB, klimaaktiv.


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Jens Glöggler (right), Managing Director of ATP sustain, at the award ceremony.

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